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Government Of Assam Biswanath District

Fisheries Department-Profile


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1) Name of District:


2) Sub-Division: 

i) Biswanatnh


ii) Gohpur

3) Population:

550102 nos. (ST: 84688 nos. SC: 42086, Others: 423333)

4) Dev. Blocks:

i) Biswanath


ii) Bihali

iii) Sakomatha

iv) Baghmara

v) Chaiduar

vi) Pub-Chaiduar

vii) Sootea

5) Infrastructure:

a) Land area: 1 Bigha


b) Building:   i) Office building with 3 rooms

                     ii) 1 no. Grade-IV quarter

c) Govt. Fish Farm:   i) Kunwari Fish Farm: Water area:  6.00 ha

                                 ii) Dilapakhara Fish Farm: Water area: 0.24 ha

6) Resources:

a) Ponds & Tanks: 4379 nos, W/a: 643.60 ha


b) Beels:  54 nos., W/a: 757.25ha

c) Derelict/ Low-lying areas: 47 nos., W/a: 539.90 ha

d) River:   21 nos., W/a : 5760.00 ha

e) Paddy Lands:   W/a: 10039.00 ha

7) Total Water area:

12000.75 hactare

8) Status of Beel Fisheries: i) Biswanath-Baghmora Meen Mahal: 25 nos. of Beel Fisheries in


Biswanath Sub-Division, not leased now due to non disposal of case  

pending at honourable High court, Gauhati.

ii) Brahmaputra Kharoibil Group Fishery: 12 nos. of Beel Fisheries in

Gohpur Sub-Division. It is under leased to Chaiduar Brahmaputra

Kharoibil Group Fishery since 2014-15 @ Rs. 92,000/- per year for 7 years.


9) Total Fish Production:

3052.20 MT

10) Fish Demand:

5143 MT

11) Deficit:

2090.8 MT

12) Nos. of Echo-hatcheries:

 a) Govt. -nil b) Private: 10 nos.

13) Nursery Tanks:

a) Govt.:- 20 nos( 0.53 ha) b) Private:- 239 nos.(10.25 ha)

14) Rearing Tanks:

a) Govt.:-  2 nos.(0.24 ha)  b) Private: 95 nos. (6.45 ha)

(N.B: Data of Sootea Dev. Block are not included here)