The applicant must furnish the complete details of the land for which copy of Jamabandi is sought by him/her such as Patta No. Dag No. and name of the Revenue Village and Mauza where the land is situated in the prescribed format.
After applicant apply copy of Jamabandi, the Dealing Assistant then registers the application through the Land Records Computerization software (Dharitree). The acknowledgement receipt along with fee receipt generated through Dharitree shall be handed over to the applicant where date of delivery will also be mentioned. The concerned Lot Mandal shall verify/update the record(if required) in computer and submit it to the Circle Officer for online approval. The Circle Officer checks it through computer (Dharitree software) and approves it. The Dealing Assistant then takes the print outs and issues it to the applicant. RoRs such issued will have QR Code on its body.
Any Citizen of India above 21 years of age
First page Rs.20 and for additional Rs10 per page.
The applicant must furnish an up-do-date Land Revenue receipt/ Land Revenue clearance receipt in respect of the land applied for.
The applicant has to apply in Standard application format affixing required court fee stamp as per the Court Fee Act. before the Circle Officer of the concerned circle and he will endorse the same to concerned Dealing Assistant and concerned Lot Mandal to process the application.
Offline: Yes
The RoR is to be issued within 5 days from the date of receipt of application as per the ARTPS Act and any delay may invite penal provisions as per the said Act.
Respective Circle Office