There are some Lucrative projects will be carried out in the next financial year for the benefits of farmer in the entire Biswanath District. They are:-
- MDTW Schemes at No 4 Sootea GP (3 Points) under RIDF-XXV(NABARD), 2019-20
- MDTW Schemes at Bakoridoloni (1 Point) under RIDF-XXV(NABARD), 2019-20.
- MDTW Schemes atDubia (1 Point) under RIDF-XXV(NABARD), 2019-20.
- MDTW Schemes at Pachimkalabari (1 Point) under RIDF-XXV(NABARD), 2019-20.
- Installation of Tubewell Schemes Under PMKSY-HKKP Access to Ground Water in Biswanath District(600 Pts)