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Government Of Assam Biswanath District

Upcoming Projects

There are some Lucrative projects will be carried out in the next financial year for the benefits of farmer in the entire Biswanath District. They are:-

  1. MDTW Schemes at No 4 Sootea GP (3 Points) under RIDF-XXV(NABARD), 2019-20
  2. MDTW Schemes at Bakoridoloni (1 Point) under RIDF-XXV(NABARD), 2019-20.
  3. MDTW Schemes atDubia (1 Point) under RIDF-XXV(NABARD), 2019-20.
  4. MDTW Schemes at Pachimkalabari (1 Point) under RIDF-XXV(NABARD), 2019-20.
  5. Installation of Tubewell Schemes Under  PMKSY-HKKP Access to Ground Water in Biswanath District(600 Pts)