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Government Of Assam Biswanath District



The Division aims at total quality management though a system of well Documented Standards, Specifications, Schedule of Rates, Design Practices, and Billing system which ensures proper utilization of public funds and total accountability .

The key activities of the Division are :

  1. As per the requirement of project and budget provisions, the estimate is framed and submitted to the competent Authority for Administrative Approval though proper channel. After obtaining A.A., Technical Sanction of the work is accorded by the respective authority (C.E./S.E./E.E.).

  2. After obtaining the T.S., the work is tendered for selecting the contractor after preparing tender documents.

  3. After fixing the Contractor , the works are initiated.

  4. The execution of contractor , is made as per the approved estimates and drawings, following the Agreement items of the work

  5. The payments are made as per the work done at a price quoted by the contractor against each item. Generally once in a month the bills are prepared after taking detailed measurements of each items duly recorded in the measurement books.

  6. Measurement checking is done by the Sub-Divisional officer and then the measurement books are passed down to the Divisional Accountant who checks for any erroneous calculation.

Finally the bills are prepared and paid to the Contractor by the Executive Engineer.